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Case Study # 03

I would have no hesitation in recommending you. What you've got is obviously a lot of experience, which for me personally has been really useful when I've got a young marketing team

Tim Terry

Owner / Founder / MD

  1. Clear customer journey and communication plan

  2. Identified the need for a new website to meet business and customer requirements

  3. Integrated email marketing / automation and CRM technology

What problem or challenge were you wanting to address by working with me?

We weren't engaging with our existing customers, and we wanted to look at ways to believe to communicate in a more efficient way, and to improve the relationship. We've always been successful growing our business through word of mouth and almost working in an old school way. We knew there was an opportunity to grow by improving communications with our existing customer base, but needed guidance and expertise as to the best way to go about this.

What impact was this having on the business?

It was more of a limiting factor. You got us to think about this side of the business more, about how best to communicate with our client base, and a plan to approach this moving forward.

What concerns did you have about working with me?

The concerns I had initially were how we could best utilise your skills and your experience in a busy work environment. One of the trickiest things was integrating your skills, so we could make the most of your skill sets into that time period.

How did we overcome this?

It was challenging. You found a solution to automate some of the comms, which relieved a lot of the stress on the team, as well as working with them to help implement the new communication plan.

What changes have you made from our work together?

You identified a bigger problem to our overall communications, which led to a new website build. I recognise now how critical this is to grow our online presence, searchability and to improve the overall customer experience.

How did agreeing to and signing off on a larger project than envisaged make you feel?

A little bit anxious at the time because, as I found out over the last six months, building a new website is a big challenge. But you were right, and I could see that having a new website was a priority. So that, together with your introduction to and implementation of Active Campaign as a new marketing tool, were the right decisions to take, to help us achieve the overall business priorities.

Faced with COVID, and current business climate, how do you feel about decisions taken?

We've done everything as a business to put ourselves in the best situation to get out of this. I'm confident the new website will be a good investment. 

COVID has massively affected our business, so we're going to regress as a business to a much much smaller size, but thanks to you, with good marketing plan, and a good website we will bounce back quicker.

How do you feel about the work I’ve done, and the journey it taken Superstars on?

We've done everything we can, and we've got the right armoury now to do the job, and to come out of the current crisis in a really strong position.

What would you say to anybody who's thinking about working with me?

I would have no hesitation in recommending you. What you've got is obviously a lot of experience, which for me personally has been really useful when I've got a young marketing team. So absolutely, pick up the phone have a chat to see how you can get involved.

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